I guess it makes me a hipster if I tell you that I love a boy with a beard?
So be it. It’s true. Beards definitely do it for me and I always insist the hubs rocks one whenever possible (still wish he wouldn’t have shaved for our wedding – hmph). I stumbled on this gorgeous male model while on the pinterest, and funny enough, my hubs was the one that discovered who he was for me so that I could feature him here. He truly is the best Melificent VP ever. Always willing to search hot dudes for me. Yep, he’s a keeper.
Happy Hump Day: Jamie Dornan
What did I say about Once Upon a Time and their man meat? Jamie Dornan (aka; the huntsman) is no exception. These people know where to find their dudes. Jamie is a former model for Calvin Klein and Dior, and is also a musician (just like his cast mate, Colin). Hot dudes that play instruments? Thank you, universe.
Fun tip; my hubs may love this guy more than me. True story.
Happy Hump Day: Colin O’Donoghue
As mentioned earlier, I got suckered into Once Upon A Time, and now that Fringe is over with, I find myself needing to fill that void with a new favorite show. And OUAT won out! Although I focused mainly on the female characters’ ridiculously adorable wardrobe during my last post, this time around I’m going to give the major man candy some attention. Seriously, this show has no shortage, which I always appreciate. However, the one that really stood out for me was Colin O’Donoghue, who plays Captain Hook. Between the scruff, guy liner and accent, I was clearly done for. And I just found out he’s a musician. Seriously, his wife is one lucky lady. Did I mention that his fans refer to themselves as hookers? Everything about this dude is amaze.
Happy Hump Day: Stephen Amell
I asked you all to chime in on who you wanted featured on this week’s hump day post, and it was pretty unanimous: you all wanted a girl! I’m completely ready to feature a female hottie, but after watching the pilot episode for Arrow, I just couldn’t let another week go by without featuring the beautiful creature that is Stephen Amell. He is just that ridiculously good looking (and my memory is that ridiculously bad). So I have not forsaken you, a sexy lady is coming next week so sit back and enjoy this lovely piece of man meat. It’s a good one.
Happy Hump Day: Matt Bellamy
If you don’t believe there is something sexy about Matt Bellamy, you definitely have never seen him perform. This small little British Lima Bean (as I affectionately call him) really lights up a stage. He is the true meaning of showmanship. If you have not heard of his band, Muse, please make sure you change that. And soon. Perfect opportunity for local readers? Muse is finally headlining a South Florida show in February and you can buy your tickets on Friday! I can honestly say that attending their concerts are like a religious experience, and I can’t wait to watch them front and center behind that barricade. Who is joining me?