I used to work with autistic children when I was younger and it was something that really had an impact on me. Although it was probably one of the most challenging jobs I have ever had, I loved every second of it. At times I would come home scratched, bitten or just flat out exhausted, but I felt like it was all worth it because I was changing and having an effect on the life of a child. Nothing was more exciting than seeing these children I worked with progress, decrease negative behaviors and acquire new skills. Although I no longer work with this population, ultimately my career goal is to once again work with autistic children as a behavior analyst and do everything in my power to help not only the children, but their families.
I participated in the Walk Now for Autism Speaks in 2008 and was able to raise almost $1000 for the cause with the help of my amazingly generous friends and family. I know it is a very rough economic time, but I have decided to do the walk again this year as Team Melificent. I would love to top last time’s donation, but realistically have set it for lower.
If you wish to make a donation under our team name, please click here.
Any amount will suffice.
Also, I would love it if all my local readers could join our team and walk with us on Saturday, April 17th, 2010 at Nova Southeastern University. It is absolutely free to become a team member and it would be really special if we could come together to do something like this. I’ve always wanted to use this blog for good, and this seems like the perfect opportunity.
Thanks everyone!