I’ve seen James Mcavoy in several movies, but it wasn’t until I saw him in Wanted that I realized he was pretty steamy. I give credit to the shower scene that can be found under the cut (heh). Although not someone you would group under the hottest men in Hollywood, there is just something about him (oh, and that Scottish accent of his definitely doesn’t hurt). What can I say? I tend to like the underdog. Tell me if you feel the same after checking out the following pictures, ladies 😉
This would be the scene I was referencing earlier. Rawr!
Amanda says
Oh I have to agree. There is something about him. I’ve seen him in a few movies but I don’t believe i’ve ever heard him without an accent that wasn’t his. Must research this!
Roxæ says
Mmmhmm, I definitely approve! He even made satyrs hot in the first Narnia film 😉
Meli says
Indeed, Rox! Glad I’m not alone 😉
Aimee says
Definitely! I have a whole section dedicated to him on my old myspace page. He is absolutely wonderful! I think he is a brilliant actor which only makes him more attractive. His accent doesn’t hurt!:) His looks are refreshing and he has an innocence and gentle quality that make me want to hug him and cuddle on the couch watching Atonement!:)
Alisha says
His looks are refreshing and he has an innocence and gentle quality that make me want to hug him and cuddle on the couch watching Atonement!
That is not what I want to do with him at all.
Heather says
The Last King of Scotland is one movie he showcases is natural Scottish accent…
And yes, he is easy on the eyes!! I fell in love with him in Atonement 🙂
Mariajosé Vives Miralles says
I love this boy, I think, that is the best, and I want to meet he!
I am cracy abaut you. you are ever in me!
somepersonsomewhere says
I’ll tell you what, there is “something” about him.. and I think its the way he looks (with his eyes, I mean)… these are just photos and all, but anytime he looks into the camera it feels like he’s looking at a parson, not at a piece of equipment.
I guess the term is “expressive eyes”..or something….
mesmerizing, really… I don’t quite get blue eyes, but his are different…
Alysn Mackesy says
I thought I was the only one, these are great pics