Better late than never, right girls?
In honor of this weekend’s huge release of the second chapter of the Twilight Saga, New Moon, I’m going to treat you to some vampire and werewolf eye candy! What can I say? I’m an equal opportunity humper. Heh. How many of you are seeing the movie sometime this opening weekend? I bought my tickets over a month ago along with a big group of girlfriends and are holding a themed party back at my place after the movie later that night. I am so excited, guys. It’s kind of ridiculous. You know, the thing I like the most about this whole Twilight phenomenon is that it has allowed all us “big girls” to reconnect with our silly youth. We are not afraid to squeal and let ourselves become giddy over cute boys – it reminds me of when things were so much simpler. And that’s nice.
So without further ado, here are our beautiful monsters:
Taylor Lautner
Child porn? Maybe, but I can’t help it!
Robert Pattinson
Kellan Lutz
Jackson Rathbone
Tammy says
OMG Meli! Awesome!!!! And you know what??? I’ve felt so silly today for being so giddy and…childlike the whole day. Especially after I went to BK and ransacked everything there, but then I realized it. It DOES make you reconnect with the giddy, silly teenager who would get excited about anything almost. I used to be the biggest Backstreet Boys fan and would go crazy over a stupid picture. Granted, I don’t go crazy over a picture of anything Twilight, but of getting merchandise I do. ESPECIALLY over knowing I will be seeing the movie tomorrow.
Sorry to go on a rant, but you’ve made me feel better =)
Nadia says
Thanks for making my night lol
Elsie says
Oh dear Jesus….
Meli says
Glad I’ll be creating some sweet dreams tonight 😉
Aurora says
UTTER HOTNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you Meli.
Erinn Dusak says
Twilight definitely should get a 5 out of 5 in my viewpoint.