I definitely have something for British men, so it was no surprise that I immediately loved Baltar, played by James Callis, during the very few episodes of Battlestar Galactica I caught randomly as my husband played catch up over the weekends. I then unfortunately embarrassed myself to no end last year at Comic-Con when my friend, Fullman, got us tickets to see the BSG Orchestra in concert and I drunkenly stumbled towards Mr. Callis, grabbed his arm, pulled him over from his group of friends and told him I thought he was “so awesooommmme.” True story. Now when I see the poor man on FlashForward, that is basically all I can think about. Blame it on the a-a-a-a-a-alcohol. 😉
Enjoy the nerd-licious picspam, ladies!
Elsie says
LOL. I can imagine his face when you grabbed him at Con. Awesome.
Chris Fullman says
Ha, I’m surprised you made a BSG Hump Day post 🙂
Melificent says
I may not have been an avid fan, but I can spot eye candy a mile away, Chris 😉
nadia says
Ah yes, the 1st time I saw him was in Bridget Jones’ Diary…..the gay 80’s one-hit-wonder-has-been BFF…loved him.
penn says
i think i just got pregnant.
he is GORGEOUS. no, HOT, no… he’s OH MY GOD.
umm. i’m going to bed now……
Adri says
He played my favorite character on BSG! We watched all the seasons in about a month and a half. It was quite the obsession.
Agustin Sanchez says
He was my favorite in BSG and also as the gay best friend one hit wonder in Bridget Jones Diary…