Ah, John Mayer. I definitely have a love/hate relationship with you. I adore your music and lyrical stylings, but your personality? Not so much. For all those JM fanatics, I know that he may just be misunderstood by the media and that things have been blown out of proportion, but there’s just something about him that is so arrogant. However, none of that takes away from his amazing musical talents and mind-blowing live performances…and his boyishly good looks. Am I right? So I guess the good outweighs the bad with Mr. Mayer and I suppose I can overlook some ill-timed comments and irritating tweets. Well, at least to put together this lovely hump day post! Enjoy, ladies!
Wajima says
THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!!! I have never licked Humped day so much as I am loving it right now!! Don’t you understand I will smack my mother over John Mayer. I am puffy hearts over him!!
penn says
well written. talented yes. cocky, yesser.
Tyme says
I so agree with you. I so have a love/hate relationship with john mayer too his music winds up out weighing his bad :3 I’m so late but yea