It’s hard to believe this was snapped 3 years ago.
Three years ago, I woke up feeling happy, excited and anxious. But mostly so incredibly lucky to have found someone I could call not only my lover, but also my best friend. Someone I could trust with all my deepest, darkest secrets. Someone that loved me for who I truly am, not who I’m supposed to be. Someone that understood me better than my own flesh and blood. Someone that made me realize that love is real, and sometimes it hurts and knocks us down, but it is the one thing in life worth living for.
Agustin Sanchez, thank you for coming into my life and for making me the happiest girl in the world.
Me and you, just us two. <3
Ace says
Awww, so sweet! Congratulations on your 3 year anniversary, and many more to come <3
Melissa says
Continuing best wishes for you two!
Meli says
Thanks ladies 🙂
athena says
netty says
I was scrolling down and this was so unexpected. I got chills! I remember it like it was yesterday. (oldies)