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I’m giving you free reign to mock me: I used to be a really huge *Nsync fan. I’ll give you even more material: I still listen to all their albums and dance around my room while I’m getting dressed. But, a Justin Timberlake fan I was not. I found him to be so irritating and such an attention whore. He stole everyone’s solos (man, he is starting to sound like Rachel Berry) and professed to adore the color baby blue. I’m pretty sure I would have paid money to be able to slap him around for a bit, and the last thing that would have crossed my mind when I was 19 years old was that one day I would love him. Well look at that. Not only do I love him, but I adore his solo music, his acting and his hysterical sense of humor (hope you all caught him & Gaga on SNL this past weekend). Although I really do miss him on the music front (again, never thought that would come out of my mouth), he really seems to have some fun movies coming up like Friends with Benefits and Bad Teacher. Oh, and he’s got killer abs. Proof below. 😉
Mlorenzo13 says
although I was a former NSYNC’er, I have and still do find him to be completely annoying….hahaha. His voice sounds like it’s been permanently attached to a helium tank…. Sorry, I’m done raining on your parade, Meli. lol.
Nice blog!!! 😀
adrienne r. says
He is so much more likeable these days, it’s true.
Anonymous says
FINALLY! I adore JT…. he can do no wrong in my eyes. LOVE.
Anonymous says
Yeah that’s pretty much how I feel (& so does Augi, but shhh!)
Anonymous says
Extremely so.
Anonymous says
Hahahahah! I respect your opinion, fellow *Nsync’er. 😉
Teresa: Life & Style says
Oh how I love JT!!! He can sing, dance, and is sooo hilarious! xoxo
Shameless plug!!! I am hosting my first giveaway on my blog, do you mind if I share my link?
Anonymous says
Sure thing, go ahead!
Teresa: Life & Style says
Check it out lovely Meli fans! The sweet miss herself has given me to okay to shamelessly plug my first ever giveaway 🙂
If you enjoy music and have iTunes – enter to win a $25 gift card at my blog, go here for more details:
xoxo Good luck!!!
Amy Horr says
He’s my boyfriend and he doesn’t even know it… PS, I ‘m STILL a HUGE *NSYNC fan <3
Jamie Silva says
You’ll get no mocking from me! I’ve always been a JT fan from day 1, still love *NSYNC and LOVE him on SNL! You forgot to mention his stellar dance moves lol….I love boys that can dance. 😉
Anonymous says
I’m still waiting for a reunion tour. Just sayin’.
Anonymous says
But of course!
ThefashionableESQ says
OMG do you remember our LOVE ???
Still love Justin!!!!!! Justified 4 eva. LOL!!!