You may recognize this California-born piece of heaven from such movies as Lords of Dogtown (2005), Alpha Dog (2006), Into the Wild (2007) and Speed Racer (2008). But who can forget his breakout leading role as Matthew Kidman in The Girl Next Door (2004)? Emile Davenport Hirsch may be baby-faced and young to boot, but at age 26 he boasts 32 impressive acting roles, especially as Chris McCandless in Into the Wild and Cleve Jones in Milk. This young actor is a force to be reckoned with.
I first fell hard for Emile in the movie The Girl Next Door, as soon as he threw his arms around the beautiful Elisha Cuthbert and This Year’s Love by David Gray filled the background music in the scene.
With that, I leave you with my favorite collection of this sexy mofo!
Follow the author: @misseliss
Elsie1224 says
Total hottie!
Anika says
Excellent choice, Elissa! Loved him in Into the Wild and Milk. 🙂
Elissa Renee says
I love my baby-faced men 😉