With all the stress of my exam, as well as additional (& unnecessary I may add) stressors bleeding into my day-to-day, my mood and judgement have been foggy. It’s been very easy to get caught up in the madness (mainly brought on by overthinking and catastrophizing in my case), and forget to stop and smell the roses. Sure, I did what many people would not. I decided to start from scratch, and I knew that would entail many a sacrifice, but my mental health has in many ways thanked me for it. I am happy. I love what I do. And I am making a difference. I can’t tell you how many amazing moments I have experienced in the last year while on the job – some even moving me to tears. How many people can say that about their job? I’m lucky.
But what really helped me put things into perspective was when I saw this quote on Pinterest. Isn’t that the truth. I would have never believed anyone had they told me while I was in college, spending many a Valentine’s Day alone, thinking that no one would ever date me, much less love me that I would have found the love of my life before snatching up a Bachelor’s Degree. And who would have told me I would have finally moved out of Miami for grad school? Have a gorgeous wedding? Own a house before hitting 30? Travel to Europe after so much daydreaming? Just last year, I thought I would never find something that made me happy career-wise. And look at me now.
If you look at life that way, I am living my dreams, and I’m sure you are too!
Keep perspective. Don’t let the black cloud get its way.
Shazadehtay says
This is a great post and a much better reminder to, as you said, stop and smell the roses. It’s quite easy to get so caught up in the negative parts of one’s life that sometimes you not only forget about the good ones but also to appreciate what you do have. Thanks for this Mel, I too needed a reminder, which is also a nudge on my back to push me to go on, to continue reaching for that dream!
ThefashionableESQ says
I love you.
You’re on point & it was a great reminder.
Lori says
Beautifully said. <3
MaDonna says
Great post, Meli. This is something I have to remind myself, too.
Eli says
right on! =)
Anika Guldstrand says
I love this! You deserve all the fabulous things coming your way and I’m sure there are so many more to come. <3
Anonymous says
All of you are lovely.
Thanks for the positive feedback to this semi-personal post 🙂