The past month has been quite a difficult one. I can say it was the first serious hurdle we’ve had to jump as a couple (possibly even as adults), but we are still standing tall and proud. Something that helped me cope was a project I decided to start on Instagram. Inspired by the overwhelming positivity of my friend Audrey of the boutique, Conversation Pieces, I decided to take all that sadness and negative energy and instead recycle it into something positive. Much like the saying, “a bad day does not equal a bad life,” I challenged myself to find something good in every day for 30 days. I’m not going to lie. Some days it was hard. Like, very hard. But what it taught me is that there is always something worth smiling about. ALWAYS.
If you want to see the pictures at full size, search the hashtag #30smiles.
angela luisa says
Love you and loved this project. Makes me want to start another one.