The most epic holiday you did not know about, Embrace Your Geekness Day, was celebrated on Sunday, July 13th. I did not find out about it until a couple of weeks ago, so it made me smile to know that I just happened to have scheduled my Doctor Who tattoo for that very day (kismet).
I will have a feature up in honor of the holiday over on The Fangirl Diaries, but I really wanted to touch on it here on the blog. Reason being, a lot of people may not understand why those deeply involved in a fandom may want it tattooed. It may seem frivolous, childish or even stupid, for some. However, I wanted to shed some light on the topic by sharing my own personal reason. Sure, some people (myself included at times) may just get a fandom tattoo because they want to (respect my authoritay), but sometimes, it goes deeper than that.
Doctor Who was something I started to watch this year. It wasn’t an immediate love. It grew with time, but when it infiltrated my little fandom heart, it was there to stay. It moved me in ways that other shows had not for a very long time. It came into my life during a very, very happy time. And then, that was abruptly taken from me. When this happened, I used a lot of Doctor Who quotes to get me through. The show’s overwhelming positivity and strength helped me deal with the intense emotional pain I went through, and still to this day, helps me cope.
I knew that made it something much more than just a “fandom.” It was something much more special to me. I decided to incorporate the day of the dead style to the Tardis because just in the same way that sugar skulls honor and celebrate life, so does Doctor Who.
I’m happy I was able to find an amazing artist that was able to make this vision a reality (THANK YOU POOKA), and that it was done on a day that celebrates being a geek. Geeks are so much more than pocket protectors and horn-rimmed glasses. Our fandoms mean something to us: they help us, guide us, teach us and at the end of the day, make us better people.
Geekdom: embraced.
For more Doctor Who geekery, check out my buddy Roxy’s new bathroom remodel!
Kendall Ashley says
I love it!!! Your tattoo looks absolutely AMAZING!
Jessica says
What a great tattoo! I haven’t even watched Doctor Who yet but ever since I started my blog 2 months ago Doctor Who is all I’ve been seeing on everyone’s blogs… everyone loves it!
The way you feel about Doctor Who is how I feel with Harry Potter. I started reading the books in 9th grade when I had a boyfriend who I thought I loved and wanted to be with for the rest of my life. He was a jerk and he broke my heart but Harry Potter made me feel better, by the reading the books I was able to forget about “real life” and imagine I was in Hogwarts with Harry and his friends. I think HP stopped me from being super depressed and doing something stupid, that’s why I will always love that series. I’m love how books and a TV show have helped us so much! 🙂
Skye @ Planet Jinxatron says
That is absolutely gorgeous.
Skye @ Planet Jinxatron says
That is absolutely gorgeous.
Nerd Burger says
So beautiful to hear the impact Dr Who has had on your life. Your tattoo is beautiful.
Samantha Holt says
This is beautiful! I love it.
Anonymous says
Thank you so much!
Anonymous says
Anonymous says
Aw, thank you little lady!
Anonymous says
Thanks so much!
Anonymous says
You definitely should add it to your binge list!
Harry Potter has a very special place in my heart too (& another tattoo on my body), so I understand 100%!
Anonymous says
This is gorgeous! I’ve been wanting a Doctor Who tattoo for a while and, every once in a while, I feel silly about wanting it. Thanks for flying that geek flag proudly!