I’d like to start this yearly post by asking the universe: HOW ARE YOU SIX??? I’ve been telling you lately that this is it, six has to be it. You can’t keep growing…I’d like to keep you here always. But that isn’t fair, is it? You are so eager to grow. To learn. To be the person you are going to be. And I can kind of start seeing that person more clearly now. And she’s beautiful (not talking looks only – remember, mommy can see inside and wow, there is true beauty and power in there).
Luna, to know you is to love you. You radiate something otherworldly. I say that a lot. I say it a lot because it only gets more true the older you get. Never let anyone take that from you. One day, you will realize that some things you believed in were not real. But your magic is not one of them. Keep it ever so close to your heart.

Even though so many things feel like they are changing (you lost FIVE TEETH, you have grown like a weed, you dance on stages now, you aren’t that into Disney anymore + you are starting to read), you still crawl into our bed in the middle of the night and I let you (I love feeling you close), you still love dinosaurs, babydolls and performing. Jojo Siwa is your everything right now, and you have a big crush on Harry Styles. You are highly sensitive and emotional, and yet so brave and confident. This year I had you take the sorting hat test on Pottermore, and you are a Hufflepuff. I called it years ago. It fits like a glove. You love hard. You play hard. You work harder.
I see you watching me now. It’s both the most amazing thing and the most frightening. You know I don’t want to let you down. You want to be like me: act like me, dress like me, talk like me, even pose for selfies like me. I hope I’m a good model to you. More than anything you want to make us proud, so I tell you I am every single day because it’s the truth. Most days, roles are very much reversed and I’d like to be you when I grow up: an effervescent fairy leaving a trail behind her of smiles, glitter and joy, bestowing light on everyone she meets.

Lulu beans, I love you infinity x a million. Thank you for choosing me and, in doing so, solidifying that magic is very much real.
Happy sixth, my lion.