First off, today is especially magical because it is my hubs’ birthday! He has proved to be my rock as well as my happy place this year – I’m pretty sure I’d be lost without him. Plus, I am especially proud of him for the extreme growth he has displayed – he inspires me every day with his creativity and drive. I love you, monkey. Always & forever.
As far as the rest of the magic, here goes:
x. getting trip goodies in the mail
x. making some great connections
x. new books to read
x. have I mentioned our vacation is only ONE WEEK AWAY???
x. new favorite Essie shade: jazz
x. perfecting my Katniss Everdeen costume
x. I’m a redhead again!
x. still drives me wild that one of my favorite bands loves me back.
x. driving with the windows down
x. sunshine: something we had not seen in about a week!
x. spending much needed time with family
x. walking around South Beach on a gorgeous day
x. the Once Upon A Time pilot – in Damon Lindelof I trust