On Friday night, the hubs and I played house with our little nephew, Lucas. Since Where the Wild Things was premiering and we obviously couldn’t make it, we decided to crown our nephew as our own Max and have a wild rumpus right in my sister’s home! We had a great time with him racing around the house, playing with his extensive car collection and taking photos (obviously). He didn’t even give me a hard time when it was bedtime. Such the cutie!
On Saturday we celebrated our good friend, Andrea’s, birthday party. She had a delicious BBQ and we got to spend time with a lot of friends we usually don’t see. But, the best part of Saturday was when Augi bought me a Quinto!Spock doll at Toys R Us. Isn’t he lovely??? Kind of embarrassed to admit this (OK, not really), but when undoing his pants (don’t judge) I noticed StarFleet undies. Starfleet undies!!!! That made him truly amazing. So I’ve decided that Quinto!Spock will travel everywhere with me. Have Spock. Will Travel. Sounds like a pretty neat sister blog. What say you? 😉
Sunday brought the most amazing 60-something degree weather, which unfortunately, I could not enjoy. I have a test this week for one of my classes so I had to stay indoors studying. Plus, I had to play Cinderella and clean house. Thankfully, I was able to finish early enough to jump in the car and meet the hubs and our most awesome friend, Penn, at her house to begin silk screening the team shirts for the hubs’ birthday kickball game. It was quite the mission, but we were finally successful around midnight – heh. What you see is my team: Cobra Commander. Augi’s team is up next!
Also, look forward to Augi-centric posts this week leading up to his birthday on Saturday.
Have a great week, everyone!
penn says
all i have to say is ::squeeee!!!:: and ::zzzz::
Elsie says
the shirts are spectacular!
i will steal spock from you. bwahahhaah
Adri says
I love the pic of your nephew! So cute!!! I’m glad you’re exposing Where the Wild Things Are to the next generation.