Hello, everyone! I’m back from Comic-Con and have been thrusted back into reality. I have to say, I had a pretty amazing time, especially since this year was a little different: I attended as press, helping my good friend and fellow blogger, Rosy, from Accidental Sexiness (check it out!). This pass allowed us entry into certain pressrooms as well as access to the front of ballrooms to get photos during panels.
It was such a great learning experience. I hope to be able to attend more events like these in the near future so I can share them on Melificent. I was able to meet a lot of great contacts and I have a very good feeling about the future of the blog.
But let’s get to the good stuff: Comic Con adventures!
Since there was so much action, I’ve decided to split each day into its own blog post, so keep checking the blog throughout the week to read about my experiences at the 4-day convention.
Although we arrived to San Diego on Wednesday, the first day of Comic-Con was Thursday. First thing that morning, I met up with Rosy at the Hilton Bayfront to attend a press room for Tron: Legacy featuring Jeff Bridges, Olivia Munn and Michael Sheen just to name a few.
The pressroom went more like a press conference, with the main cast sitting at a table and members of press firing questions at them. It was relatively stress-free and not too interactive. At this point, I wasn’t too sure what to think about the whole press experience as I figured all of them would follow this format.
Soon after, I walked the exhibition floor and got a quick taste of all the goodies it had in store for me. As usual, it was overwhelming, but to my surprise, a lot of the same booths were there and even in the same spots! This made it easier to maneuver around this time around. However, the throngs of people were still in full force, which made it difficult to do so. Before I knew it, it was time to hit up the panel for Charlaine Harris, author of The Sookie Stackhouse novels, which inspired the hit HBO show, True Blood.
Charlaine was absolutely humble and down to earth. She shared a lot of personal stories as to how she crafts her characters and gets inspired. She was also surprisingly hysterical. And despite the fact that she would be holding a signing later that day, was sweet enough to sign books, journals or whatever fans had on them when her panel was over. In hindsight, I really wish I would have packed Book 5 in my purse – I brought it as reading material for the plane ride over but had left it in my luggage that day.
Afterwards, we packed up our bags and started moving towards our next pressroom, this time for Showtime’s Anti-Heroes. This one had me really pumped, as it would feature Dexter’s Michael C. Hall and Jennifer Carpenter, Weed’s Mary Louise Parker and Californication’s David Duchovny just to name a few. Much to my surprise, this pressroom was a little different. It boasted a “round table” style, where press members would sit in…well, a round table and the talent would take turns sitting with you for interviews. I immediately got a little intimidated and anxious, but that quickly dissipated once cast members started interacting with us. Although we did not get any Dexter actors at our table (luck of the draw), we were able to speak with the show’s executive producers, which gave us some insight as to the direction they will be heading in the new season and why they decided to go the route they did. We also got to sit and chat with both Mary Louise Parker and David Duchovny. Ms. Parker was a complete doll – so much so that I am pretty sure I’ll begin to watch Weeds, but unfortunately, I could not say the same about Mr. Duchovny. He seemed really put–off by the interviews and had a very arrogant disposition. Wasn’t digging his attitude at all.
Once we completed press for Showtime, we headed to enjoy the Anti-Heroes panel, which was really fun and enjoyable and then stayed for the amazing Dexter panel. They were able to tease us with a short trailer for next season, which was absolutely incredible! Some things I think we have to look forward to are Dexter’s relationship with Rita’s children as a single Dad, the possibility that Deb may be catching on to his extracurricular activities and his overwhelming guilt over Rita’s death. Plus, with new cast members such as Jonny Lee Miller and Julia Stiles, I think we are going to have one fabulous season on our hands!
That night, Rosy and I got all decked out and made our way to the official Dexter Party on the Ivy rooftop. Again, I wasn’t really sure what to expect so I was totally caught off guard when I got out of the elevator and passed right by Michael C. Hall! Rosy and I chatted a bit with Nurse Jackie’s Paul Schulze before I got the guts to collect myself and go introduce myself to Michael. He was an absolute sweetheart and loved hearing that I was a fan of the show. We snapped a quick pic and then I decided to head to the bar. To my surprise, it was a full open bar so I helped myself to a sour apple martini…or two…or three…or, well you get the point. As the night progressed, I met a lot of really cool people, from bloggers to writers to actors. However, I nearly choked on my cocktail when I randomly looked over to my right and saw that Daniel Dae Kim (LOST’s Jin) was standing right next to me.
I kind of wiggled away from him to control my freaky fangirl from coming out full force. I had never been fortunate enough to meet anyone from my favorite show, so I had a kind of knee jerk reaction where I almost screamed right in his face, which could have been terribly catastrophic, but I’m pretty sure what actually transpired was worse.
All of a sudden, a wave of drunken adrenaline came over me and I marched right over to him and introduced myself, asking him, “do you know how much I love LOST????” He looked at me like I was the most entertaining thing on the planet and just said, “No, I actually don’t.” And then it happened. I started to tell him how amazingly intelligent and creative the show was and how I am suffering from withdrawals when the entire contents of my 5th sour apple martini fell all over his crisp white guayabera. I wanted to die. I think I just paused in horror. And then completely panicked and began trying to wipe it off with my hands (why.) as I repeatedly apologized profusely. I have never been more mortified. Why to a LOSTie? Someone please tell me why. Thankfully, he was the sweetest person on the planet and kept telling me not to worry about it. He even took several pictures with Rosy and I and allowed me to continue apologizing about 15 more times that night. So if you are out there reading this, Daniel, I’m still terribly sorry!
Moral of the story: do not trust an open bar to a Melificent.
The rest of the night is a fuzzy haze that I know involved getting lost on the streets of San Diego, meeting up with my friends at a bar and having beers I shouldn’t have and a not so lovely relationship with our hotel toilet.
Tomorrow: a Friday full of hugs, kisses, heroes, vamps, weres, shifters, girls that kick ass and Twitter friends!
Ang says
Jonny Lee Miller??? SQUEEE!
Anika says
I’m glad you’re doing these summaries because they’ll be a good reminder of everything we saw!! Open bar + Meli + Losties = high danger. 😉
penn says
i am a melicifan. ’nuff said.
penn says
and i wrote ‘melicifan’ on purpose. try saying melififan. do it.
Elsie says
Heehee. I love this run down. Makes ne wish we were back in SD.
lindsay says
Awww..it makes me sad that you don’t like David Duchovny. He is one of my favorite actors and usually I read how much people who have met him like him and say he is so down to earth and open.
Tammy says
Man! I need to go to Comic Con!
Rosie says
How amazing was your trip this time around. That was great reading!
Megs says
Excuse me, I had no idea you spent time with David Duchovny. I’ve been in love with him for yeeeeears. It’s too bad he seemed that way. He looks really hot in that picture, lol. This is very exciting to read all about this! I will continue once I get to work. <3
Melificent says
Sorry Megs! He is pretty hot and maybe he was having a bad day. Everyone is entitled to them I guess 😉