I love a good tee. Especially a good fandom one. As you all know by now, I am a fan of many a band, movie and show. I just love a whole lot of things and I like to showcase that love as often as I possibly can. Cue t-shirts.com! They have an extensive collection, from band shirts to nerdy phrases to cult shows. Anything you want, they have. And I can vouch for their quality. They are soft and comfortable. So comfortable I rocked my t-shirts.com Bowie tee to my most recent outdoor derby practice. Needless to say, I got multiple compliments from teammates and coaches, and didn’t feel like it was cramping my style either (despite the 100+ heat). If you are in the market for some fun new tees, I would definitely check them out!
As for all of you interested in how my 2nd practice went, feel free to click the link.
I think it’s safe to say that I had another successful practice. Although at first I was practicing with the more advanced group, I decided to downgrade after a few drills. It was so hot, my heart started beating a little faster than I find comfortable, and I feared I would pass out. So I happily made my way to the newb group and stayed there for the remainder of the practice. I started learning how to t-stop and also multiple ways to fall correctly. Unfortunately, I can’t brag that I didn’t fall this time around. I definitely took a few spills – some worst than others (I swear I can still feel my butt cheeks pulsating), but put on my best brave face each and every time.
I can honestly say that I am really enjoying practices and the sport in general.
I think I’m hooked!
Elsie1224 says
oh no, like i needed another great tshirt site to stalk. :p
Anika says
Aww Meli your derby adventures are so awesome! & you look super cute to boot! <3
Meli says
Well thank you lovey 🙂