Before my very eyes, Luna is turning into a toddler. She is really perfecting her balance and speed while walking, and is {finally} starting to imitate words, such as Papa, up, agua + Aba (her grandma). You may notice one of those words is not Mama, but I digress…{hrmph}.
It’s really hard to wrap my head around this rapid passing of time on most days. I still remember the moment of her birth clearly, and when I see us well on the way to being half way to 2, it can do a number on my heart. Time can do this.
Onesie; c/o Younglings NYC
Jeans; Target {no longer available}
Boots; c/o Bobux
Sunglasses; Baby Gap {similar}
Bracelet; Pura Vida
I didn’t really make a traditional New Years post, so you are getting one today.
Every year, I make wishes. As you all know, I am not a fan of resolutions, but I do want to set goals for myself when you seemingly are given tabula rasa. While getting ready to set these new intentions into the universe, I grabbed the little piece of paper I use to write them down and keep in my sacred space. Upon reading what I had set for myself at the beginning of 2016, I could not believe it: I achieved every single one. I don’t think that has ever happened. It made me smile and it made me ready for a new year.
Sure, 2016 was an overall very difficult year for society and culture as a whole, but on a personal level, it was enlightening and inspiring. 2016 made me a working mama, and gave me the strength to navigate those new waters. I still struggle with it today, but it has taught me priorities. 2016 made me live in the present: less doing, more being. I realized what was truly important and most importantly, that made me appreciate and value those things. Funny thing is, they weren’t things at all.
I learned to very quickly rid myself of toxicity or people that brought that to my life. I can honestly say that I know what and who I want in my life and what and who I do not. I succeeded, I stumbled, I felt unsure, but I can say with absolute certainty that I lived.
This little toddler that brings me so much love, joy, anxiety and frustration has a lot to do with the “new me.” It is the me that has been there all along, she just managed to adjust all the right knobs.
So thank you, Luna.
Thank you, 2016.
Anika Guldstrand says
Love love love. Happy New Year. <3
Kay says
Parenthood is pretty great, right? Sounds like you are rocking motherhood. 🙂 Happy New Year!
B. says
It’s crazy how quickly babies grow. I have a nephew who just turned SIX (cries) and another that just turned two and I still can’t believe it.
Aimee Julia says
What a lovely post. And I can’t believe how fast little Luna is growing up! It goes so fast. It really does prove you have to make the most of every minute, right? x x
melificent says
Muah! Same to you my love!
melificent says
It is, indeed! Ditto to you hun!
melificent says
Ugh, I know. My nephew is TEN. It’s unbelievable and unfair.
melificent says
Aw thanks! It really is way too fast!