Bowie Potter tee; I will always remember dancing feverishly in my 20’s to Bowie at our favorite rock club. All hair swishing, hip swaying, drink spilling…it represents my carefree youth. I will always remember first reading Potter after fervently saying I never would. The relationships formed with these fictitious characters in a magical world also represent and parallel my own “coming of age.” Both these things together? All the feels! This tee must be mine. SIRIUSLY.
Edit; this post was written before the passing of David Bowie. My heart breaks.
Blogger tee; I’m identifying myself more and more as a blogger. Of course, I still say I’m a behavior analyst when asked what I do, but I am now starting to add, “…and blogger” to the end of that sentence. And it feels good, even if people scoff or laugh when I say what my blog is about. I’m doing exactly what I want to be doing with my life – how many people can say the same? That’s why I’m gunning for this blogger tee to further say it loud and proud – plus, it’s adorable, no??
Jordan sweater; the amount of strange noises that emanated from my being when I saw the beautiful Keiko Lynn post this to her Instagram was intense. In middle school, I was beyond obsessed with My So-Called Life (& I still am). I even wrote a letter to ABC about how they shouldn’t cancel it – obviously it wasn’t very effective. But I digress. Jordan Catalano was every tween’s unicorn, and who doesn’t remember that amazing episode that opens with Angela dancing in her bedroom to “Blister in the Sun” on the morning she realizes she is totally over Jordan Catalano. Basically, NEED THIS NOW.
Luna Lovegood skirt; although my little Luna is not specifically named after Lovegood, she is my favorite character in the series (aside from hot, dragon-taming Bill Weasley). I’d love for my Luna to possess a lot of Lovegood’s qualities, but until she’s old enough to start developing them, I can wear all the things that make her great with this perfect skirt.
In summary, give me all the things.
Please + thank you.