My awesome blogger buddy, Megan, over at The Nerdy Girlie shared some of her blogger confessions and asked her followers to do the same. I think this is a great idea, because a lot of the time, I feel like bloggers don’t really talk about what goes on behind the scenes – even with each other! It’s been refreshing to read other bloggers’ lists and see that I am not alone in the things I struggle with and equally, the things I enjoy as being part of the ever-growing blogosphere.
1. I wish I had more time for my blog. Even though it may not seem like it, I have a full-time job away from the blog. This makes it very difficult to focus 100% on it, which always makes me feel like I’m not churning out the best content, promoting it enough on social media or updating the layout enough. I often find Sundays to be my go-to day for blogging, along with any free mornings I may have where I feel inspired. However, I really wish I had more free time to make it more of a priority. Yep, you could say I have blogger’s guilt.