Friday night we headed to Ian and Beau’s new apartment for their official housewarming. We had entirely too much fun with their dirty word magnets and were inundated with entirely too much beer. I tried my best to be on my best behavior though as the next morning was the autism walk in Broward.
Weekend Highlights!
Hope you guys didn’t miss me too much!
I missed blogging terribly though – but it was in my best interest to take a break. This last semester is definitely trying to kill me, but I’m happy to report that I only have to survive 2 more weeks and I’ll be done with classes. Forever. Unless I change my mind about pursuing another field. Again. And that’s not going to happen. I hope. 😉
Anyways, on to my weekend!
We spent all of Saturday working on the house (as per usual), but then rewarded ourselves with the first of a long string of housewarming parties. Seems like all our friends are either moving out on their own or becoming homeowners and with it brings lots and lots of festivities. Elsie’s move to her new townhouse was no different! We had lots and lots of alcohol, I had lots and lots of deviled eggs (oh, my stomach was not happy) and most importantly, lots and lots of fun. I am reminded on a weekly basis how lucky I am to be surrounded by so many amazing people. I love all my friends. Not only are they there for all the fun times, but they are the first ones by my side during the not so fun times. I am truly blessed.
I hope Monday treats you all well and doesn’t give you too much of a headache.
Only a few more days until we can say hello to the weekend once more!
Lovable Friday!
Once Kate Spade was the queen of prep, but I absolutely love the way the brand has evolved over the years. It can still be labeled as preppy, but in such a fun and whimsical way. Their pieces are so girly and fun – I don’t think there is one Kate Spade item I don’t like and these flats are no exception. The gorgeous shade of purple, the adorable little present bow, I just can’t handle it! Get your own for $95 at Zappo’s.
Weekend Highlights
On Saturday, the hubs and I made it out to West Palm Beach for our friend, Joshua’s, annual holiday party. We got to hang out with our buddies and his two adorable sons, who were the life of the party. Plus, we got the most amazing party favors: fake moustaches! It really doesn’t get any better than that. Must make a mental note to pick some of these up for our next shindig – they were the biggest hit! And the perfect end to my night was making it home in time to see Muse perform their last song, Starlight, on SNL. They were amazing, as usual, and only made me covet a Florida tour date even more!
The rest of our weekend was spent doing errands and showing our family the house we may be living in come next year. Exciting stuff, people!
This will be a short week for me (thankfully) & I hope some of you were able to score some vacation days as well to spend with your loved ones. It’s almost Christmas time, everyone! And that means we are closer to it all being over!!! What a relief that will be. 😉