Things have been going on in my personal life that have been causing me a lot of stress and anguish that I’d rather keep off the blog (don’t worry, Luna is fine). However, this thing has made me realize how important it is to somehow balance myself and make sure I’m there for my daughter in every way possible. Life can get very hectic for all of us, and I wanted to create a little retreat for myself that I could go to when I have the time to just meditate or send thoughts and prayers. I consider myself a spiritual person, but honestly, this space can be anything for you, regardless of religion. Ultimately, it is just my little corner of peace from a sometimes very loud and stressful life.
As mentioned, I think everyone can benefit from a space like this, so I thought I would share how I created mine! First off, I’d like to say how hysterical I find it that I got almost every single piece at Hobby Lobby, which is known for its staunch, conservative views. I don’t agree with this one bit, but I’ll be completely honest here: I freaking LOVE their products and am borderline obsessed with the place. I’m a consumer, and I’m not ashamed of it. Sue me.
But on to the creating! As I mentioned, I took my happy-little-namaste-needing-self to Hobby Lobby a couple of weeks ago and started shopping for supplies. Although we own our own home, it has an open floor plan, which means not a whole lot of nooks and crannies for little spots like these. I actually had to move my hamper out of the way so that I could use this small corner of our bedroom, so I was looking for a small table. This one was perfect as it matched our bedroom’s decor, but had adequate tabletop space, which is needed! You could also add a little pouf or blanket so that you can comfortably sit in front of it, but I just don’t have the room so I sit on the floor.
I got two small dishes: one that holds all my crystal jewelry and pendulum, and another that holds my sage and palo santo. The jewelry is self explanatory. I wear it when I feel I need the extra inspiration or protection, depending on the crystal and the situation. As for the pendulum, it’s my favorite magical item. Find out more about them here.
The palo santo and sage are to cleanse my space and self of negative energies. This is a staple in my life. I smudge quite often, and an added benefit is that both smell so great. They leave my house smelling lovely (which is nice considering I barely have time for housework these days).
Again, if this isn’t your vibe at all, you can have little trinkets that remind you to be at peace or maybe bring you closer to a role model or a person that meant a lot to you (like your grandmother’s ring, for example). I also have an absolutely tiny (& adorable) Buddha bust that stands watch at the center of my table.