Since I am feeling a little under the weather due to my allergies deciding to mutate and become the most annoying cold overnight and just generally feel a little less than inspired, today’s post will lack focus. So sit back and enjoy some of the random items that have caught my eye on the grand old Internets:
Images from Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland have surfaced and oh my holy God does it look amazing. Do I seriously have to wait until 2010?
My fear has subsided! My precious ZQ has appeared on the set of Heroes! And looking mighty fine while doing so if I may add!
Have you seen the site, Geeky Tattoos? It is an excellent mid-workday time-waster and will make you chuckle repeatedly.
John & Kate (plus hate) have officially filed for divorce. Does this mean we never have to see or hear from them again? Because that would be super.
Nothing made me laugh harder than seeing vampire, Bill Compton, shopping in Forever 21 during Sunday’s episode of True Blood. I wonder if he picked up some fabulous finds?
Tomorrow we will be back to our regularly scheduled program – no worries, ladies – I have not forgotten that it is hump day and already have a hottie lined up to make the work week more bearable, promise. No sickness could keep me away from delivering the hotness!
Anyone want to bring me soup? Or antihistamines?
Roxæ says
Oooh, I hadn’t seen the picture of Ms. Hathaway yet! That movie has such a plethora of cool people in it I can hardly stand it and like you said, it looks AMAZING!
Bill in Forever 21 was pretty funny…Bill and Eric being mistaken for gay lovers in Forever 21, priceless.