With every one of these posts, the reality of the number I type gets fuzzier and fuzzier. Seven. Seven. Seven!
Luna, I can say with 100% certainty that you are my world. Watching you grow has been such a gift. You are a total goofball and love to be silly. You continue to adore the arts and tell me you are going to dance forever and attend theater camp every summer. You now love baking and gaming simultaneously. You sing and make up your own songs, which I love overhearing when you think no one is listening. You are kind, but tough. You are sensitive but fiery. You vibrate with love and compassion. You can put together a mean outfit (and casual cosplay), your imagination runs wild. You are a great reader and an excellent student – you tested as gifted and are excelling in your more challenging classes. I’ve been able to share some of my favorite childhood movies with you over popcorn on the couch: experiencing them again through you is such an underrated pleasure.

But also…you challenge me. You ask all the tough questions now. You want to know about everything. But your emotions are still catching up. You want to understand the world around you, but it isn’t always easy to digest. Your frustration tolerance can be low and it’s taught me more patience and a lot about my own pitfalls as a person. You want to do it all and do it well, and teaching you about work ethic can be difficult. But despite our bumpier days, we always manage to end our days hugging, snuggling and kissing each other.
You are complex, beautiful and radiant. You contain multitudes and even though it seems like a big number to your mama, you are only seven. The world isn’t ready for you, but I am. I can’t wait for every single second.

Happy birthday to my magical creature, my unicorn, my lion, my moon.
I love you with everything in me.
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