Everyone has something that they are completely and totally passionate about, right? Whether it is a hobby, a sports team or a band, everyone loves something. Well, I love The Smashing Pumpkins. Sure, I like a lot of people and things, but nothing more than the Pumpkins. Since my freshman year of high school, I have been enamored with this band. What is it? At this point, I couldn’t even specify certain reasons, they are just a part of me. I have very strong emotional ties to their music and where it takes me and how it makes me feel. Just the opening riff to a certain song can make me grin from ear to ear, become extremely introspective or a complete and total basket case. All their songs tie together to represent my formative years, to form…me.
And if musical soulmates were to exist, well Billy Corgan, you’d be mine. I still believe that no one can hold a candle to him as a lyricist. And despite his less than stable emotions at times, I believe deep down he is a really beautiful person with an open mind and a big heart. I have seen the Pumpkins 5 times now and each time is better than the last. I am lucky enough to have gotten tickets to their sold out show at Revolution Live, a really small venue for the group, and that show is now a week away.
It may seem like just another show I will add to my arsenal, but words cannot really express how excited I am to see them again. To see them as fired up as the reviews have been reporting. I saw this video from their performance of Hummer at the Viper Room and got really emotional. That is the Pumpkins I remember and grew up with. And I will be experiencing it first hand in a week.
So let the countdown begin:
…but nobody’s counting. from Melificent on Vimeo.
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